Dance : 2021
Seven Cubes : 2020
Merry Gates : 2020
Gravity Circle : 2017
Dance : 2017
Memory of the Sea : 2016
Red Balance Beam : 2016
Four Cubes : 2016
Embrace : 2015
Four Oblong Blocks : 2013
Stationary Shape2012
Stationary Shape : 2008
Gravity Circle : 2007
Stationary Shape : 2006
Position-2006 : 2006
Stationary Shape : 2007
Two Oblong Blocks : 2006
Crossing Shape 95-2 : 2004
Stationary Shape : 2004
Morioka Crystal Gallery : 2004
Harmony : 2003
Art Court Gallery : 2003
Nihonn Kokkaen : 2003
Gallery Yamaguchi : 2002
Art Space Kan : 2002
Gravity Space - Two Realms 2002
Gravity Circle - Kachidoki 2001
Gravity Circle - Red 2000
Gallery Maronie 2000
Gravity Circle - Ground 2000
Gravity Circle - Red / Urawa 2000
Gravity Circle-Harmony 2000
Morioka Crystal Gallery 1999
Three Oblong Blocks 1998
Gallery Yamaguchi 1998
Gravity space - red 1997
Intersection 1997
Stationary Shape 97-1 1997
Fly-1996 1997
Round Structure 1996 1996
Fly-1996 1996
Gallery Yamaguchi 1995
Round Structure 95-2 1995
Round Structure-Future 1995
Intersection 95-2 1995
Intersection 94-1 1994
Four Oblong Blocks 1994
Morioka Crystal Gallery 1994
Round Structure-1994
Three Oblong Blocks 1993
Kekkai 93-1 1993
Different Space 1993 1993
Kekkai 1993
Intersection 93-1
Three Oblong Blocks 1992
Fly 1992
High 1992
Different Space 92-5 1992
Different Space 92-2 1992
Kekkai 92-1 1992
Different - Space 92-1 1992
Round Structure 92-2 1992
Round Structure 92-1 1992
Fly-1 1992
Fly-2 1992
Kekkai 92-2 1992
Kekkai 92-3 1992
Physical Structure-1 1992
Physical Structure-2 1992
Kekkai 91-2 1991
Intersection-1991 1991
Different - Space 91-5 1991
Round Structure 1991
Different Space 91-1 1991
Different Space 90-8 1990
Different Space 90-4 1990
Different - Space 90-7 1990
Different Space 90-9 1990
Position89-2 1989
Different Space 89-1 1989
Position88-2 1988
Different Space 89-S 1989
Position 89-1 1989
Position 89-7 1989
Different Space 87-2 1987
Different Space 88-3 1988
Different Space Intersection 87-1 1987
Different Spaces Intersection 87-2 1987
Different ・Space 87-1 1987
Intersection 87-1 1987
Different Space 87-3 1987
Wave 87-1 1987
Intersection 87-2 1987
Position 87-1 1987
Solo exhibition Gallery T & I 1987
Wave motion 86-1 1986
Intersection 86-1 1986
Wave motion 86-2 1986
Kekkai 86-1 1986
Different Space 1986
Different Space 85-1 1986
Different Space 85-1 1985
untitled 1985
Different Space 84-5 1984
Different - Space 84-4 1984
Different Space 84-3 1984
Different Space 84-1 1984
Intersection 1984
Different Space 84-6 1984
Different space 83-2 1983
Different space 83-1 1983
Situation 83-4 1983
Situation 83-1 1983
Stationary Shape 82-2 1982
Stationary 82-2 1982
Stationary Shape 82-7 1982
Stationary Shape 82-1 1982
Stationary 81-1 1981
Stationary 81-2 1981
Dansoun 1981
Landscape 1981
Physical Process-W2 1978
Physical Process-2 1978